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Главная | НОВОСТИ | Методологический семинар "СоцUp": Женевьев Зубжицки сравнит опыт ненасильственных революций в Польше и Канаде
Методологический семинар "СоцUp": Женевьев Зубжицки сравнит опыт ненасильственных революций в Польше и Канаде
26.05.2014 10:44

В среду 28 мая в 18.30 в рамках второго методологического семинара Центра Молодежных исследований НИУ ВШЭ СПб "СоцUp" выступит Женевьев Зубжицки (Genevieve Zubrzycki), исследователь национализма, религии, коллективной памяти и мифологии, профессор Мичиганского университета.
Тема доклада - "Quiet and Velvet Revolutions: The Impact of Political Transformations on Nationalism, Religion and Secularism in Quebec and Poland".
Рабочий язык семинара - английский.

Lecture abstract: In both Poland and Quebec, Catholicism and the Catholic Church have historically provided symbolic, material and institutional resources through which national identity was constructed and through which political projects could be articulated throughout the 19th century and most of the 20th. In both societies, however, moments of political transition and episodes of state (re)formation -the Quiet Revolution in the 1960s in Quebec and the Velvet Revolution in 1989 in Poland- inaugurated a redefinition of collective identity that countered ethno-religious principles with civic-secular ones. Following the building of its welfare state in the 1960s, national identity and religion in Quebec have become divorced institutionally and ideologically, and society has undergone one of the most rapid processes of secularization in the Western world. Many had anticipated a similar turn of events in post-communist Poland, but while the Catholic Church has lost some of its weight and there are deep divisions within society concerning the role of Catholicism in defining Polishness, Poles remain one of the most religious societies in Europe. Based on archival and ethnographic research, I will discuss the impact the Quiet and Velvet revolutions have had on the relationship between nationalism and religion, and on the articulation of different forms of secularism in both Quebec and Poland.

Genevieve Zubrzycki is Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of the Copernicus Program in Polish Studies at the University of Michigan and. She was educated at McGill University and the Universite de Montreal before obtaining her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Zubrzycki studies national identity and religion; collective memory and mythology; and the debated place of religious symbols in the public sphere. Most of her scholarship is on the Polish and Quebecois cases.

Место проведения: Санкт-Петербург, ул. Промышленная 14а (бизнес-центр "Талер"), третий этаж, (вход в здание по паспорту).