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III International Summer School on Higher Education Research
17.03.2015 20:29

The Institute of Education at National Research University – Higher School of Economics (in Moscow), Graduate School of Education and China Institute for Educational Finance Research at Peking University invite earlier career researchers, institutional researchers, and doctoral students, to apply to the upcoming III INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON HIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCH. The theme of the Summer School 2015 is “HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE STATE”. The Summer School will take place on June 13-19, 2015 in St. Petersburg. The deadline for applications is extended to March 27, 2015.

For the 2015 Summer School applicants with backgrounds in all relevant fields (sociology, economics, political science, education, public administration, management, psychology, etc.) are encouraged to apply. The Summer School will take place on June 13-19, 2015 in St. Petersburg.


The Summer School 2015 is focused on the relationship of higher education and the State. Despite the marketization of higher education in many countries, the state maintains its crucial role in shaping higher education. The Summer School’s multidisciplinary perspective on higher education and the state will enable to analyze higher education in a larger socio-economic and political framework and connect changes in higher education with the transformations of the state, society, labor market.


Faculty and participants will discuss such issues as:


-          key concepts in higher education (human capital theory, markets in higher education, public and private goods in higher education, etc.);

-          the changing nature of the state in a historical comparative perspective, and the new and fast moving dynamics of its relationship with higher education;

-          governmental policies on higher education, and their economic and political rationales, in comparative perspective;

-          the forms, effects (and limits) of market-reform policies and the government interventions;

-          the economic and social outcomes of higher education and their measurement;

-          university – government relationships and the issues of autonomy.


Confirmed faculty of the Summer School includes distinguished international researchers and experts in higher education with different professional backgrounds: Isak Froumin (Institute of Education, HSE), Simon Marginson (Institute of Education, UCL), Pedro Teixeira (Research Centre on Higher Education Policy (CIPES) and Faculty of Economics, University of Porto), Jussi Välimaa (Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyvaskyla), Rong Wang (CIEFR, Peking University). The working language of the summer school is English.


The deadline for applications is extended to March 27, 2015. To apply you will need to submit online a summary of your research project dealing with higher education, a personal statement and CV. Further information can be found here: http://ioe.hse.ru/en/summer.

Applications received after the deadline will be put on the waiting list.


Questions could be addressed to Nelly Pavlova tel. +7 495-623-52-49, Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript .