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Главная | НОВОСТИ | 14-15 сентября 2016 международный семинар "Creative labour revisited: cultural production in distinct institutional environments"
14-15 сентября 2016 международный семинар "Creative labour revisited: cultural production in distinct institutional environments"
08.10.2016 11:50
14-15 октября 2016 года в Музее экспериментального звука (ГЭЗ-21, ул. Пушкинская, дом 10, вход с Лиговского пр., дом 53) при поддержке ЦИГЕ и НИУ ВШЭ-Санкт-Петербург состоится международный семинар "Creative labour revisited: cultural production in distinct institutional environments". Программа семинара доступна по ссылке.

Creative labour revisited: cultural production in distinct institutional environments 

14-15 October 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia

Address: Gallery of Experimental Sound-21, Pushkinskaya str. 10 (entrance from Ligovsky pr., 53), Museum wing, 3rd floor, St. Petersburg, Russia 

Over the last 20 years a number of studies was devoted to creative professionals: artists, designers, IT-specialists, journalists, they showed high level of risk and inequality behind the bohemian charm, earlier promoted by creative industries ideology. The central concept of cultural (creative) labour studies would be precariousness - a fickle, unstable employment without social guarantees. However, many topics remain uncovered. 
The seminar aims to put creative labour into global context and explore how it transforms in different institutional, political and cultural environments, as well as to see gender, industry and other dimensions of it. The workshop also gives voice to creatives themselves: the seminar program includes presentations of cultural workers and activists.

The seminar is supported by Centre for German and European studies SPBU - Bielefeld University and National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Seminar's program is here https://ru.scribd.com/

Illustration: Precarious workers brigade