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Главная | НОВОСТИ | 5th International Conference "Comparative Media Studies in Today's World"
5th International Conference "Comparative Media Studies in Today's World"
17.01.2017 20:22
11-13 апреля 2017 в Санкт-Петербурге состоится 5 Международная конференция "Comparative media studies in today's world". Тема конференции в 2017 году: "Media Transformations in Times of Technological Boom and Political Polarization". Язык конференции - английский (с синхронным переводом на русский и немецкий). Дедлайн подачи заявок - 1 февраля 2017. 

The recent decades have been providing media and communication scholars with a non-vanishing feeling of constant transformation of the field, in both industrial and academic terms. But in 2014 to 2016, the world has faced not only the growth of use of media(ted) technologies for both investigative and surveillance purposes but also political polarization and even radicalization often described as unprecedented in the post-war times. What happens to media systems when these two factors collide? The (re)emerging tensions between communication, technology, and socio-political realities form the suggested focus of discussion.

The conference aims to gather scholars interested in comparative media studies, research on media and democratic development, and adjacent fields to discuss the today’s media transformations. We expect to have two main tracks – the ‘tech track’ and the ‘political track’.


For the ‘technological track’, the questions would be the following (but not limited to):

(Re)definition of media systems and new comparative paradigms for tech-based communication;

The time span of transformation: technological and political borders of ‘today’ in research on media systems;

The newest social communication platforms and social/political divisions they reflect and foster in comparative perspective;

Comparing media audiences and media hybridization trajectories;

Comparing mediated communities and their deliberative potential;

When tech meets political: political interests and conflicts mirrored in tech-based communication;

(Dis)empowerment online: the recent crises and their actors in comparative research.

For the ‘political track’, they may be the following:

Systemic foundations of journalistic profession vs. today’s political polarization;

Tradition vs. transformation: normative assessment of changes in journalism;

Media transformations: regional and macro-regional dimensions;

The 25 years after communism: media transitions and today’s drawbacks;

Mediated politics and political discussions in the new democracies and semi-authoritarian states;

Traditional and less traditional media in cross-media agenda-setting;

Cross-media consumption of the political: media diets/repertoires and user political ‘figurations’;

When political meets tech: professional standards and approaches in covering political and social crises of today.


On the Conference

Established in 2013, the conference has so far gathered over 50 experts in comparative and longitudinal media research, including Paolo Mancini, Katrin Voltmer, Larry Gross, Nico Carpentier, Susanne Fengler, Thomas Hanitzsch, Daya Thussu and many others. This year, the conference broadens in both time and scope, overgrowing the narrow ‘expert’ format.

The conference is part of a bigger Scientific Spring at School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St.Petersburg State University, and exists as an integral part of ‘Media in Modern World’ Annual Forum which will be held for the 56th time in 2017.


Preliminary program

April 11, 2017

3 – 5 pm – Registration

5 – 7 pm – Workshop round table ‘Political polarization and today’s journalistic practices in Germany and Russia’ (in collaboration with the German Week in St.Petersburg)

7 pm – Get-together


April 12, 2017

9 – 9.30 am – Registration / Welcome speeches

9.30 – 11.00 am – Plenary podium discussion on media transformations

11.30 am – 1 pm – Keynote speeches

2 – 3.30 pm – Parallel panels

3.30 – 5 pm – Parallel panels

5 – 7 pm – Workshop round table ’25 years after communism: Central and Eastern European media and journalism in multi-directional transitions’


April 13, 2017

10 – 12 am – Plenary session, 56th ‘Media in Modern World’ Annual Forum

12.30 – 2 pm – Parallel panels

3 – 4.30 pm – Parallel panels

4.30 pm – 6 pm – Parallel panels


Preliminary keynote speakers

Silvio Waisbord (USA)

Katrin Voltmer (UK)

Vaclav Stetka (Czech Republic – UK)

Elena Vartanova (Russia)


Program committee

Nico Carpentier (Belgium – Sweden)

Katrin Voltmer (UK)

Boguslawa Dobek-Ostrowska (Poland)

Steffen Burkhardt (Germany)

Florian Toepfl (Germany)


Local organizing committee

Svetlana Bodrunova

Anna Smolyarova

Alexander Marchenko


Deadlines and other dates

Please send us an abstract of max 250 words specifying the scope, method, and main results of your research paper by January 20, 2017 to

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All applications will be double-blind peer-reviewed, so please attach the names, titles, contact details, and affiliations of the authors on a separate sheet.

January 30, 2017 – notifications of acceptance

February 10, 2017 – deadline to confirm participation

February 15, 2017 – deadline for sending in the documents for visa support

February 20, 2017 – deadline for accommodation advice

March 1, 2017 – deadline for early-bird registration

April 1, 2017 – deadline for regular registration


Visa support

St.Petersburg State University provides visa support for the conference participants. Visa invitation letters will be sent out on request.


Participation fees

Presenter, UN Tier 1 country – 3500 RUR / approx. 50 euro; early-bird: 3000 RUR / approx. 40 euro

Presenter, UN Tier 2 country – 3000 RUR / approx. 40 euro; early-bird: 2500 RUR / approx. 30 euro

Presenter, UN Tier 3 country – 2500 RUR / approx. 30 euro; early-bird: 2000 RUR / approx. 25 euro

Student presenter – 2000 RUR / approx. 25 euro

Non-presenting participant – 2000 RUR / approx. 25 euro